Tech Tips

Tips for Building Effective Table View Queries


Mainsaver collects and catalogs a wealth of data as part of its operation. However, the data is only useful if it can be recalled in a form that is meaningful to the end user. This Tech Tip summarized functions and methods that can be used for building effective table view queries


When building a Table View Query in Mainsaver, the query function has essentially 3 columns that are used for defining the query. (1) Field Name, (2) Operator, (3) Field Name/Value.

Using different values and/or combinations of values in these fields allows the user to precisely filter the data from the Mainsaver database as desired. In particular, there are a number of “wild cards” and specific functions that can be utilized to enhance capabilities in this regard. Given below are a list of such values for the columns and the expected result when using them. Note that some of the values are used as “example only” but can be applied to nearly all fields in Mainsaver

Field Name       Operator      Field Name/Value      Behavior
Part No.  =   GE   Displays one record only. Part number must be exactly “GE”
Part No.  like   GE   Displays all records that contain “GE” anywhere in the part number
Part No. like  %GE   Displays all records that end with GE
Part No. like  GE%   Displays all records that begin with GE
Origination Date between  1/1/2015 and 1/31/2015   Displays all records with origination dates between the 2 dates
Status  in  ('AWA','AWS','DO')   Displays all records where WO status is AWA, AWS, or DO
Approver  is not  NULL   Displays all records where “approver” field is not empty. Approver field could contain any value.
Completion Date >= getdate()-7   Displays all records completed in the last 7 days
Description like ???   Displays a prompt field that allows user to enter values of choice



Mastering the functions and methods of building queries provides a powerful tool for extracting and filtering specific data from Mainsaver, enhancing its effectiveness.

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